Испанская баллада
Travelling in the region of Spain is very convenient, long-distance transportation here is very well developed. Spain is a large country (for European standards), so there has developed domestic air service. There are airports in almost all major cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga, Granada, Valencia, Alicante, Seville, Cordoba, Bilbao, Zaragoza. Most budget airline flights offers Vueling, which is considered a major low-cost airlines in the Spanish market.
The state company RENFE is responsible for all rail transportation in the country. Trains in the country have several types, the most comfortable and fast one is AVE, they move mainly between Madrid and Barcelona or Madrid and Seville. "Talgo" - express trains, "Express" - passenger, "Tranvia" or "Automotor" - local trains. In addition, Spanish trains are considered to be worthy competitors buses when traveling on medium-range distances.
An extensive network of bus routes covers almost all cities and resort centers of the country. The fare depends on the season, day of week, time of day and distance of travel.
In Spain, as in a good tale: if you go to the right, you will see the gorgeous coast, and if you go to the left, you will find out untold sightseeing wealth. In any case, where you turn, delicious food is waiting for you, friendly locals and beautiful nature. When you consider a trip to Spain costs only a little more expensive than in Turkey at the same level of hotel - you can really believe that you feel like in a fairy tale. Among other things, holiday in Spain can easily be combined with language courses: language of Cervantes, the beach is only a stone's throw, and in the evening, a glass of cava is waiting for you.
Mainland Spain is a storehouse of sightseeing wealth. Guests who came to conquer the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, a direct route to day trips to Granada, Cordoba and Seville can be organized. However, vacationers in the north of the country, in addition to the "standard" of Barcelona can go to Santiago de Compostela, one of the most important cities of medieval Christianity, and just a very beautiful place. In addition, Spain is famous for its religious shrines, foror example, St. Pilar Monastery (Zaragoza), the monastery ensemble Torresyudad (Huesca), Montserrat and Lourdes (France). Every year the world-famous monasteries are visited by 10 to 12 million tourists. Then we can mention wonderful museums in Spain where even fastidious tourists can find their favorite exposition.